Alan Bartling © 2024 All Rights Reserved

Likely Dangerous to Mental Heath

Growing up in the late 50’s early 60’s one great movie had emotional influence on young people’s minds (WIZARD OF OZ). Dorothy of Kansas experienced a tornado, common in that state and had either a dream or concussion which required time and healing to recover normal mental function. Her mind grasped at familiar people and objects in real life, which became caricatures and influential elements of a trip down a yellow brick road back to mental acuity. Her impressions of human frailty and her attempt to cure societal errors is the theme. The film ends with Dorothy confronting societies authority, the Wizard. Representing the great societal consciousness was a figure of a man hidden behind a curtain with the mental IQ of about 100. Exposure in Dorothy’s mind of this fraudulent authority shocked her back into recognition of humanities personal ability and responsibility to regain reality.

In the late 60’s mankind landed on the Moon, or did we? My Baptist Preacher Father said we didn’t “from heaven did the Lord behold the earth; To hear the groaning of the prisoner” (Psalms 102:19,20). Burton said “man was a prisoner of the earth”. I have long lost the CD where a man measured the opening in the actual lunar lander in the Space Museum and the breathing apparatus didn’t fit in the door. We’re still on the “yellow brick road” with this one. They don’t care if you know anymore; they don’t think they can ever be held accountable as evidenced by Obama roasting Trump.

During all this time George Orwell’s NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR became wildly popular and the 1988 cult film “THEY LIVE” brought critical speculation to prominence about Government’s role in American mental health. It wasn’t until Philip Zimbardo’s THE LUCIFER EFFECT that it became an official competent psychological point of view. Earlier Jo Hindman’s 1963 TERRIBLE 1313 REVISITED exposed the psychologically devastating “New Metro Culture” on American Educational Systems. All that reading! No one’s mind could be influenced to the point where you couldn’t think, so we thought. Wow, were we wrong.


Any new idea or concept is looked on with suspicion initially by everyone including me. The mathematics behind and supporting the new Ellipsoidal Tropical calendar is accurate, definable and calculable. It was drawn out of the metaphorical Revelation of Jesus Christ written two thousand (2,000) years ago by John the Apostle. Time must be allotted for any credible examination of all the principles involved. I know this to be true!

Enter AI. The unreal expectations of this new system are complete exaggerations. The Corporate Culture has endorsed AI, qualifying and promulgating a complete suborn reliability. You can watch the talking heads on morning shows extolling the wonders and developing new horizons available to society. This aloof and unchallengeable new platform removed from the chains of criticism is set to control thoughts and intellectual advances. This isn’t healthy or justified. It can be compared to the entity behind the curtain that Dorothy in Kansas faced in “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”.

It’s not that AI is new, just that its invisible and uncensored. The same concept was developed years ago as an encyclopedia that would define everything (Wikipedia). It soon became evident the reliability of Wikipedia’s information was limited to the level of intelligence and bias of the people writing the definitions as they refused editing. A certain (large) percentage of perceived reliability was lost. Now, Corporate America has circumvented this frailty of Wikipedia with a mystical source of authority. AI is Daniel’s “Abomination of Desolation” (when you see it run).

Mathematics is AI’s “Achillies heal”; particularly Astro-physics. AI is its own god, it isn’t subservient to anyone except its creators. Oh, is there a Creator; back to that argument again? Mathematics is God! Nothing can be explained without and everything can be explained with mathematics. AI has attempted to define the Ellipsoidal Tropical calendar with its finite exposure to a faulty universal mathematics system. Very, very revealing. Again, the level of reliability of AI is limited by the input of bias creators. This is evident in the AI review of the Ellipsoidal Tropical calendar System.

Hello Alan,

I asked ai to rewrite the blog, attached is the word doc for that.

Also, after asking it about the mathematics… I got this for an answer:

The mathematical references in the passage are highly speculative and symbolic rather than strictly adhering to conventional mathematics or historical facts. Let’s break them down:

  1. Ellipsoidal Tropical Calendar & Earth’s Orbit (Eccentricity):
    • This suggests an advanced, perhaps fictional, calendar system based on the elliptical orbit of Earth. The eccentricity of Earth’s orbit is a well-known concept, but how it’s applied in a unique “Ellipsoidal Tropical Calendar” isn’t clearly explained here. No conventional system uses these terms in the way the passage suggests.
  2. 231 Rotations and Ante-diluvian World:
    • This appears to refer to Earth’s rotations and its history before the biblical flood. The Earth’s rotational period has not changed significantly within human history, and there’s no known astronomical basis for the specific number “231” rotations in any context tied to the biblical pre-flood period.
  3. Prophetic Prediction and Infamous Implementation:
    • The reference to a prophetic or ancient implementation of a mathematical system involving the calendar 2,000 years earlier is more metaphorical and not tied to an actual historical event. It seems to invoke the transition from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, though this change occurred in 1582, not 2000 years ago.
  4. “42 months” = 42 B.C. (Julian Calendar):
    • The passage makes a leap here that isn’t mathematically accurate. The phrase “42 months” in biblical texts is generally understood as a symbolic period, often interpreted as three and a half years (e.g., in the Book of Revelation). Tying this directly to 42 B.C. due to a misplaced leap year in the Julian calendar is speculative and not backed by any known historical or astronomical calculation.
  5. “1,260 days” = 62 days:
    • This transformation isn’t mathematically clear. In biblical prophecy, “1,260 days” is often interpreted as three and a half years. Reducing this to 62 days lacks mathematical basis and might be intended as an abstract or mystical interpretation rather than one grounded in arithmetic.
  6. “666” = 360° and 24 hours:
    • This connection is purely symbolic. The number “666” traditionally has apocalyptic and symbolic significance (the “number of the beast” from Revelation). Tying it to a circle (360°) and a day (24 hours) isn’t mathematically justifiable, though it appears to represent a metaphorical link between time and cycles.
  7. “144,000” = Julius Caesar’s 44 B.C. Calendar:
    • The number 144,000, often found in religious texts like Revelation, is symbolic and not directly connected to Julius Caesar’s 44 B.C. calendar reforms. Caesar’s calendar reform created the Julian calendar, which was refined into the Gregorian calendar we use today. The connection between 144,000 and Caesar’s reforms is speculative without any solid mathematical or historical basis. In conclusion, the numbers and concepts presented in the passage are largely symbolic or metaphorical rather than scientifically or mathematically correct. The ideas seem to blend religious prophecy, numerology, and speculative history in a way that doesn’t adhere to conventional mathematics or history.

My thoughts

This is an emotional display of human origin based in opinion (Plato), not an artificial independent argument from mathematical and astro-physical scientific principles (Aristotle).

Sophomoric wordy rebuttal.

Claims knowledge of conventional mathematics (lacking; absent).

Words like “speculative”, “suggests”, “appears”, “metaphorical”, “leap”, “lacks basis”, “symbolic”, are contentious.

Doofus sitting behind curtain with microphone shouting out commands – thinks people fooled.

It’s abundantly clear (as of right now), AI cannot distinguish a metaphor. That skill is beyond fact hoarding, it’s introspective suspicion. It’s also the difference between IQ and intelligence (Aristotle’s Dialectic).

No concept of Julius Caesar (historically documented).

No concept of Jean Meeus’ 364 and 365-day Century mitigated adjustable Vernal Equinox (astro-physical Principles).

No concept of Otto Neugebauer’s “chords” required by Astronomical calendars (astro-physical mathematics).

No concept of Kepler’s diurnal divisions of ellipse (modern detailed astro-physics).

No concept of a syzygy that blends earth’s rotation and revolution into a Tropical calendar (ancient Mesopotamian mathematics).

Thinks he knows what prophetic eccentricity means (Biblical Prophecy).

Doesn’t know Gregorian 1983 calendar has one-day default (educated common sense).

No knowledge of Gregorian 400-year rotation compared to 231-year rotation (Catholic intentional mathematical error).

No knowledge of mathematical basis of seven-day week (modern ignorance).

Straight out of Wikipedia’s closet.

Challenges God’s Biblical authority.


The Creator said, “the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved” (Psalms 93:1). “the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved” (Psalms 96:10). “Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.” (Psalms 104:5). “Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.” (Psalms 119:90). “The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens.” (Proverbs 3:19). Because of the prolific nature of these redundant statements in the Bible it must be assumed to be extremely important.

If the “eccentricity” of earth’s ellipse isn’t static then there is no Creator God. On page 154 of Jean Meeus ASTRONOMICAL TABLES OF THE SUN, MOON AND PLANETS you can note on March 20th, 2024 he registers the Vernal Equinox. Earlier, in A.D. 2023 the Vernal Equinox is March 21st. According to Meeus, the Vernal Meridian moved in one year’s time by almost six (6) hours. To authenticate this, the United States Naval Observatory uses sidereal computations as a cover story to fool mankind, not the revolution of earth around the sun. Call them and ask them when they looked at the sun with their telescopes; I have, they deny ever looking at the sun.

This is Why!

(Foundation for Leap Day)


There is considerable confusion about the two (2) motions of earth in space (rotation; revolution). They are separate and each is mathematically definable. The mathematical rotational excess (0.242424) is computed in a zig-zag syzygy and doesn’t change the eccentricity (0.01369830° deviation from circular orbit) of earth’s 365 days plus leap day. Its only effect is calendrical not astro-physical. The above depiction is deceptive as the mathematic/calendric effect condenses down between the Computational Meridian and the Prime Meridian.

Combining the two motions of earth, combining the solar system mechanics with Milky Way mechanics, combining ephemeris and sidereal Astro-physics by scientists has developed the pretentious Astronomical calendar with partial three hundred-sixty-four-day years. This error was written into code as AI intelligence in Wikipedia many years ago (big tell); now magically the root astro-physics of AI. The two (2) systems of solar calendars are astronomical and tropical. The mathematical days are different as also are the seasons.  You can’t read this anywhere; no one will acknowledge the existence of Tropical Seasons, except Biblically. They are called “winds” as in “winds of change” (seasons). Coincidentally, our solar system mechanics is autonomous exactly like American Philosophical Citizens.   

 Using “chords” has caused the terminus Gregorian 364-day year, plus the excess (0.757576) to be the computational mathematics of the Gregorian System. Mathematics demonstrates the deficient part of the system must gain 0.484848 of a day per year mitigating the excess of their calculated 365.2425 length Astronomical Year. Sidereal adjustments of Equinoxes and Solstices merge their calendar. The Mormon Church has bought into this hook, line and sinker (Book of Enoch). This is all compulsory because Astronomical Years are used instead of Tropical Years. Very confusing; their chart “364-DAY YEARS IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY shows twenty percent of years were 364 days long.

– 364.757576
=    0 .484848


The final Babylonian (Biblical) confusion is caused by an inaccurate Gregorian Leap Day formula. They declare 97 leap days in 400 years. There is no such calculated rotation. The accurate astro-physical Leap Year formula is 56/231 (0.242424). This correct mathematics forms the manipulation of generic calendars into the seven-day week confirming Biblical Creation.