Search for Civilization

Alan Bartling © 2024 All Rights Reserved

Would it be vulgar – to suppose a fellow invents the Ellipsoidal Tropical calendar, mathematically defines the Ellipse (Eccentricity) of Earth’s Orbit and all 231 rotations from the Ante-diluvian world culminating in A.D 2013 and then prophetically predicts the entire world will suddenly adopt his Civilized Algebraic Equation? But then suppose that person didn’t need to make that prediction because someone very infamous had already implemented that mathematics and calendar 2,000 years earlier.

Then suppose, a very religious fellow bases his entire future on the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ from John the Revelators manuscript, and then becomes aware that the word “thousand” is one of John’s fake words meant to deceive the Romans and the event is really just a one-year reign of Jesus Christ; a way more personal disturbing event.

What if “42 months” is really just 42 B.C., the first inclusive Julian calendar misplaced leap year? Or, “a thousand two hundred and three score days” is just 62 days? Or, if “Six hundred three score and six” is 360° and 24 hours? Or, if “an hundred forty and four thousand” is really Julius Caesar’s 44 B.C. calendar?

Then suppose a studious fellow spends 65 years of mental endeavor so the dialectic story of Biblical fame can become available to the general public and no one reads it? How would it be possible for implementation of such a calendar if no one is aware of its existence?

What if a savvy fellow in the course of study reads chapters two and three from an almost philosophical THE FALL OF THE ANCIENT MAYA (© 2002) and is able to divine that calendar and civilization are synonymous (p. 48 “Mother Culture” into p. 49 “Civilization”)? America, this author “connected the dots”.

When a young fellow is taught by educators to develop a PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE, his mind is contorted to find the ultimate overarching Principles of Life (“first principles of the oracles of God”). What is this theoretical pinocle Oracle that all Principles of Life give Obeisance to? According to the Bible it’s a “Covenant”; a calendar. Days are Oracles, Sacred Astro-physics calculations; not for personal, political or economic abuse.

Could a web site philosophize this concept into existence? Perhaps a re-examination of the major philosophic community for the last 400 years will help; a theoretical journey through Feudal, Monarchic, Kingship and other representative Governmental establishments. Mankind’s total job is to glorify God. This job can be fulfilled by mimicking Creation with an accurate Ephemeris calendar. The ultimate job of the Philosopher then is to define Civilization. Have certain fellows done a disservice to Civilization by permanently ordaining Principles of self-appointed intellectuals? “COVENANT/CALENDAR/CIVILIZATION” are the Great Synonymous Oracles of Life. Suppose a concerned fellow decides to see what philosophers actually said?

Major Philosophical Statements
Given Historical Allotted Space
These are Civilizations Ills and Remedies

  1. Samuel Sandys and Sir Robert Walpole (Feb. 13, 1741)
    To correct Civilization, he proposes term limits.
    Did he not say… “suppose the people had all along been perfectly pleased with his administration, yet the very length of it is, in a free country sufficient cause for removing him.”

  2. Christof Hermann Von Manstein (C. 1750)
    To correct Civilization, the ills of Russia must be known.
    Did he not say… “One of the principal reasons that render money so scarce in Russia, is that distrustfulness of theirs…The government of Russia has been from time immemorial purely despotic…yet we do not find till recently enough in history, any trace of an attempt to set bounds to the absolute power of the Prince over the lives and fortunes of his subjects.”

  3. Joseph the 2nd (Emperor of Austria)
    To correct Civilization, he pronounces Enlightenment evils; Pragmatic Sanction and Decree of
    Tolerance 1781.
    Did he not say… “When Philosophy reared her head, the people deceived themselves; they expected, from an enlightened age, order in civil life, and a better observance of the laws
    …Men are clamorous for the possession of a degree of freedom which, if obtained, would be prejudicial to them, since few know how to use it”.

  4. Jacque Benigne Bossuet (1627-1704)
    To correct Civilization, he defends The Divine Right of Kings.
    Did he not say… “God establishes kings as his ministers and through them rules over the people.So great is this majesty that it cannot be in the prince as in its source; it is borrowed from God, who gives it to him for the good of the peoples, for whom it is good to be restrained by a superior force.”

  5. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
    To correct Civilization, he proposes the Natural Right of Kings as sovereignty from subjects “social contract”.
    Did he not say… “during the time men live without a common power…they are in a condition which is called war…I authorize and give up my right of governing myself to this man…who hath the sovereignty under God…by covenant.”

  6. John Locke (1632-1704)
    To correct Civilization, he proposes the Natural Rights of Man.
    Did he not say… “Men by nature all free, equal, and independent…made a community…by the will and determination of the majority…is bound by that majority to the absolute monarchs. Wherever law ends, tyranny begins. The power every individual gave the society can never revert to the individuals again.”

  7. Francois Marie Abouet De Voltaire (1694-1778)
    To correct Civilization, he proposes “reason”. I don’t see reason, only scientific and medical opinion and fancy phrases (no principles).
    Did he not say… “mankind received from nature common sense (reason). It is against good order for a man to think for himself. See into what horrible decay the liberty of the press brought England and Holland. That part of astronomy which determines the course of stars, and the return of eclipses, being now known, there is no longer any dispute among astronomers. At him who cuts off a particle of foreskin. A long dispute signifies that both parties are in error (illogical).”

  8. Marquis De Condorcet (1743-1794)
    To correct Civilization, he proposes “civilization”. He doesn’t adequately define Civilization.
    Did he not say… “The only foundation of faith in the natural sciences is the principle (from Aristotle). Civilization…earliest progress of…society…inequality…requisite knowledge, general prosperity, principles of conduct, moral practice, improvement of our faculties and natural organization, first truths foundation of all institutions, calamity of war as most terrible of all crimes…their object should be security and not power…civilization as efforts of mankind to assist the progress of reason and the establishment of liberty.”

  9. Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
    To correct Civilization, he proposes “cult of natural man”.
    Did he not say… “The first man enclosing a piece of ground says, This is mine. Instructed by experience that the love of happiness is the sole principle of all human action. Every family became a little society…effects of revenge, men learned to be sanguinary and cruel …Where there is no property, there can be no injury…the moment one man possessed the quantity of provisions requisite for two, all equality vanished…revolutions and despotism trample on both the laws and the people (Tyranny)…the contract of government dissolved by despotism as soon as can be expelled has no right to complain of violence…maintained by force, it is force that overthrows…governments stood in need of a more solid basis than reason. Blind obedience is the only virtue” (from Plato).

  10. Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
    To correct Civilization, “A Love of Freedom”
    Did he not say…. “In this character of the Americans a love of freedom is the predominating feature. The people are Protestants, and of that kind which is the most adverse to all implicit submission of mind and opinion. In no country perhaps in the world is the law so general a study …the want of a speedy explanation of a single point is enough to defeat a whole system …a fierce spirit of liberty has grown up.”

  11. Thomas Jefferson (Beloved President) July 2nd, 1776
    To correct Civilization, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE
    Does it not say…“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Goverments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed”
    (At this late stage, if comparing man to man instead of man to sovereign; would it be appropriate to replace John Locke’s “created equal” with “created autonomous?”)

These men in appropriate political and educational positions expressed their philosophies of life. It may be absurd to suggest that “term limits” are the extent of knowledge that Samuel Sandys possessed but at that particular time in history it was the only Principle available for him mentally to fight Sir Robert Walpole. These Principles are validations of persons philosophic state no matter how mundane we may think they are at this distant time. (Think of what statement you might make to cure Civilization). The most catastrophic statement of the end of Philosophic Monarchy is the shocking picture of the execution of Louis 16th in 1793; there was no turning back, and everyone starkly knew it as the blood dripped from the head fresh off the Guillotine.

There’s no need to continue on in the list of participants projection of their Philosophic views (Freud, Darwin, Trotsky, Carnegie, Nietzsche, Bismarck, Balfour, Keynes, Churchill, Roosevelt, Mao); the list is endless. The enormity of the American Philosophic State as expressed by President Thomas Jefferson (DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE) reaches us personally today and every day.

A new era has emerged in American experience (ghost tyrants). A secretive non-elected group are now in complete control of American Society; that’s right, not a civilization (they’re Thugs). Their purported goal is another revolution similar in nature to Abraham Lincoln’s tyrannical war and institution of I.R.S. fame successfully accomplished in the 1860’s (stress-idolized in Philip Zimbardo’s THE LUCIFER EFFECT). They tirelessly attempt a race war, a political war, a spiritual war, a holocaust war, an economic war, a medical war. The propaganda is alarmingly abusive beyond belief. We don’t need a revolution, only an insurrection to destroy their power base (Gregorian calendar, all races can participate).

Civilization has ceased to exist worldwide and society is falling apart in front of Visionaries (tyrants). The Gregorian calendar is totally disgraced and “allegiance” which is developed by Astro-physics accuracy no longer exists. Jokes are common by instituting “hot dog days” or “poser days” which fail to procure allegiance. Police no longer have astro-physics authority for enforcement of Rule of Law. We know astro-physical exactness existed in Ancient Egypt known as “Son of the Sun” and governed their Rule of Law. The calendar is KEY. It’s hard to establish a “normalcy of life” these days as money has dried up to even buy food for your children and promote “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness”. President Thomas Jefferson gave you authority to throw the thugs out and fix America.

From page 68 of Carlyle B. Haynes "From Sabbath to Sunday"

Catholic Churches Rendition…

Julian calendar 131.99-year error rate (132 years)

…of mathematical astronomical reality.

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